24 Responses to ANSWERS

  1. erine says:

    thank you very much for posting the answers to your actual questions. these will be a great help to us who haven’t taken the exam.

  2. RAHINA says:

    Thank you very much!! Your site is really very helpful. May God Bless You!!

  3. Ryan says:

    I appreciate you posting the answers. I unfortunately have ran across one of these phoney sites before and it is so blatantly obvious they ripped you off almost word for word it is pathetic and misleading since they stole your questions and answered them incorrectly. Fortunately Google recognizes this and trashed there search ranking.

  4. Ryan says:

    I just passed ASCP! thanks so much for this site, it helped quite a bit, especially Blood Bank got ALOT of Blood Bank questions

  5. M'Lissa says:

    For #21, the answer should be “b” according to your explanation. B shows 1 year from the frozen date; answer D (which is stated as the answer) is 10 years from the frozen date

    • wordsology says:

      Good find. The answer is truly D but the explanation written stated “1 year from the date frozen” when in fact it is actually “10 years from the date frozen”. Just a typo – thank you very much for finding that.

      • Yuna says:

        I think C is the correct answer. Your explanation said “the expiration date of the blood is extended to 10 years from the date of phlebotomy, which is Nov 1, NOT Nov 5”.

  6. Lin says:

    Here is the question from Lab Ce that I mentioned in my previous post….Option B is highlighted.

    A unit of Red Blood Cells that was collected on 15 June 2009 and frozen with glycerol at -80 degrees C on 21 June 2009 will expire on what date?

    The correct answer is highlighted below

    14 June 2019.
    15 June 2019.
    20 June 2019.
    21 June 2019.
    22 June 2020
    Red Blood Cell units with the addition of a cryoprotectaive agent, such as glycerol, may be frozen for up to 10 years from day of collection. Frozen red blood cells must be stored at least -65 degrees C or colder.

  7. Hello!

    I just passed the ASCPi exam and worsology is one of the sites that was helpful when I did my self review for the exam. Thanks you so much!

    I was inspired by this site and so I started my own blog dedicated to medical technology in order to give back. Keep it up!

  8. pineser says:

    whats your site cebuana medtech

  9. Freshnelalcoy says:

    Can you recall cebuanamedtech some of your exam

  10. Axmed Nuur says:

    very helpful, thanks for your efforts and willingness to help.

  11. Safa says:

    Thank you so much for putting up the answers really appreciate all your work on this website…God bless

  12. mona says:

    hello everyone does anyone knw where answers for the recalls

  13. PaoloRMT says:

    i scored 20/28 on this excluding the one without a definitive answer, is this okay? i’ll be taking the exam on sept19, im so nervous.
    thankyou so much sohail for the notes, questions, and everythimg there is to this page, you’re truly a lifesaver 🙂

  14. Amuse says:

    thanks Ryan this was quite helpful…. please are gadgets like calculators allowed while taking the ASCPi exams….

  15. Isi says:

    Thanks alot…this was so so helpful..

  16. James West says:

    I am taking my MLS ASCP soon, I’ve been averaging 56% on the CAT on LabCE. 64% on review mode. Am I in a position to pass?

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